End Of The Year – Look Back & Looking Ahead

As we come to the end of 2022, we at SPARC have had a very exciting year.

While SPARC was incorporated on July 1 of 2021, and we began work behind the scenes setting up the business structure, 2022 has seen the bulk of the business activity thus far. This past year, we’ve seen the rollout and launch of our company and office space to the wider community as well as successfully attained several milestones from our first research project.

In order to continually populate ideas across the spectrum of our focus areas, we initiated the implementation of disruptive brainstorming workshops across the Harrison Group of companies. Additionally, we’ve begun fostering and expanding our research collaborations with university and industry partners so as to increase our potential in our key focus areas.

But that’s all where we’ve been over this past year, we can’t wait for the new year to come! We’re looking forward to completing one of our first research projects. It still remains close to our Harrison roots and resides in the lubricant additive space, but we hope the technology can be a springboard into new arenas and applications to expand our customer base for the Harrison Group.

Additionally, we’re looking to begin work on our next research projects. These collaborations have the potential to have significant impacts in the water treatment, renewable energy, and recycling/sustainability areas. These projects are in their infancy, so the results and potential product lines are several years away, but we are excited to begin having a positive impact in these important focus areas!

It’s never a good thing to look past the holiday season – especially when good food, presents, and family gatherings are involved – but we really can’t wait to build on the momentum of this first year and jump into 2023. There’s a LOT to come, and this is only the beginning of the journey!

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